Here you will find a range of documents to give you an overview of various different display types. If there’s anything you would like more information on, or cannot find, contact us.

43" AUO 4K TFT (large)

Industrial Panel Selection Guides

We have created a number of product overviews which will help you select the correct panel for your application.  These are added to and updated on a regular basis.

5" to 5.7" Overview

6.2" & 6.5" Overview

7" Overview

7" to 13.3" High Res TFT Overview

8" to 8.4" Overview

10.1" to 10.4" Overview

12.1" to 12.5" Overview

15" to 15.6" Overview

17" to 18.5" Overview

19" Overview

21.5" to 24" Overview

Contact Display Technology

If you have any questions about our product range, or wish to speak to a member of our team about your requirements. Please contact us using this form, or via our Contact Us page.

© Fortec United Kingdom

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