The majority of TFT LCD’s now have LED backlights rather than the original CCFL tubes. We also find that many displays are now supplied with integrated LED backlight drivers which allow for easier integration.

LED Backlight Drivers (medium)However, certain markets require more control and for that reason certain hi-rel displays are still supplied where a separate LED backlight driver is needed. Also, where displays have a modified backlight (perhaps High bright or NVIS) the original converter cannot be used.

To support these applications we have developed our own range of Smart LED Converters to provide the best control over modern LED backlights, and allow the customer to configure the backlight converter to their exact needs.

The Smart LED Backlight Drivers:

  • Configurable (using Smart LED Rover software) to a range of TFT displays
  • Usable as a temperature monitor and brightness control
  • Have a wide temperature range of -30 to + 80°C
  • Dimming: Smart LED-II = 10,000:1, Smart LED-III = 6000:1, Smart LED-IV = 15,000:1
  • Operating Temperature of -30 to + 80°C
  • Communicates with the converter via UART

For more information on our LED Backlight Drivers please contact us today on 01480 411600 to see how we can help you find the perfect display solution.

Our range of LED Backlight Drivers

For more information on our LED backlight drivers or to discuss your requirements, contact FORTEC UK today on 01480 411600 to see how we can help you find the perfect display solution.

Converter Type Configurable Control Range Input (Vcc in) Output Current/Channel Total Power (Max)
Smart LED-II

0 - 100% / 8-bit

Max 0-5V

11-16V 7-10V


2 Rails


0 - 100% / 8-bit

Max 0-5V

10-28V 9-40V


4 Rails

Smart LED-IV

0 - 100% / 8-bit

Max 0-5V

8-28V 30-60V


4 Rails



If you have any questions about our product range, or wish to speak to a member of our team about your requirements. Please contact us using this form, or via our Contact Us page.

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